Zend SimpleCloud Interfaces

By : 99bots

This plugin embeds and loads the Zend SimpleCloud PHP 5 client interfaces for supporting cloud applications that are portable across all major cloud vendors so that the client interfaces can be shared by different WordPress plugins.

This plugin fulfills the Zend SimpleCloud Framework dependency for other WordPress plugins. A significant benefit of using this plugin as your Zend SimpleCloud dependency instead of including the Zend SimpleCloud Framework directly in your individual plugins is to minimize redundancy, and to guarantee the latest version of the Zend SimpleCloud Framework.

The Zend SimpleCloud Framework is an open source, object-oriented web application framework implemented in PHP 5 and licensed under the New BSD License.

The current version uses Zend SimpleCloud 1.0.0a1

Please note that the current version of Zend SimpleCloud is considered a technology preview of Zend_Cloud. Zend does NOT recommend using it in production, as the API is still subject to change.

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