Zend Gdata Interfaces

By : 99bots

This plugin embeds and loads the Zend Gdata PHP 5 client interfaces for the Google Data APIs so that they can be shared by different WordPress plugins.

This plugin fulfills the Zend Gdata Framework dependency for other WordPress plugins. A significant benefit of using this plugin as your Zend Gdata dependency instead of including the Zend Gdata Framework directly in your individual plugins is to minimize redundancy, and to guarantee the latest version of the Zend Gdata Framework.

The Zend Gdata Framework is an open source, object-oriented web application framework implemented in PHP 5 and licensed under the New BSD License.

The current version uses Zend Gdata 1.10.6

Zend Framework for wordpress

This plugin embed and load the Zend Framework libraries so that they can be shared by different WordPress plugins. Zend Framework is an open source, object-oriented web application framework implemented in PHP 5 and licensed under the New BSD License. The current version use Zend Framework 2.1.4...

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