AntiBot Captcha

By : unknown

AntiBot Captcha - simple good-looking, but well-protected plugin against spam robots for your blog comments

BT Captcha

BT Captcha - simple, Bilingual, Flexible, Protect Your WP Blog Against Comment Spams...

Similar: 56%

Conditional CAPTCHA

This plugin has two modes - basic and Akismet-enhanced. Basic mode: the plugin will serve a CAPTCHA to all commenters that aren't logged in and don't have a previously approved comment. Repeat commenters will never see a CAPTCHA. Akismet-enhanced mode (recommended): the plugin will serve a CAPTCHA.........

Similar: 50%

Invisible Captcha

Smart invisible captcha for wordpress comments. Visitors of your website don't need to enter letters and numbers. This small plugin automatically 100% protects your website from spam in comments....

Similar: 46%


A simple plugin for adding the new No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA by Google to WordPress login, registration and comment system as well as BuddyPress registration form to protect against spam. Features Option to activate CAPTCHA in login, registration, comment and BuddyPress registration forms. Choose a th.........

Similar: 34%

Kama SpamBlock

Block auto-spam when spam comment is posted. Absolutely invisible for users. There is no any captcha code. Pings and trackbacks cheks for real backlink. It's very simple and effective plugin. It's option to install Kama Spamblock even if you have external comment system like "Disqus", because autos.........

Similar: 32%

Anti-Captcha (anti-spam botblocker)

Anti-Captcha is a transparent spam solution that does not require any end-user interaction. It is based on a nonce key, which is dynamically inserted using randomly generated (and obfuscated) javascript. The aim of this plugin is to prevent automated attacks (by bots) on the following WordPress act.........

Similar: 29%

Super CAPTCHA Security Suite - Hardened 3D CAPTCHA

Read the SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH by the University of Wollongong, Australia. Spoiler: the results are around page 20. You've been there, you have installed 20 or more CAPTCHA plugins for WordPress to see them ultimately fail in even slowing down spam bots. We know, we have been there too. I used to run.........

Similar: 22%

MP Spam Be Gone

MP Spam Be Gone is the simplest, most effective Spam blocker. This plugin was inspired by some of the best Anti-Spam plugins available on WordPress. Version 3.0 has been re-written to exclude the use of jQuery, which I believe was causing the problem for some users where the checkbox was not appear.........

Similar: 22%

WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam

An exceptionally powerful and user-friendly WordPress anti-spam plugin that eliminates comment spam, trackback spam, contact form spam & registration spam....

Similar: 7%

Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) by BestWebSoft

Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) plugin allows you to implement a super security Captcha into web forms. Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) is a free CAPTCHA service that helps to digitize books, newspapers older radio shows. This plugin can be used for login, registration, password recovery, comments forms. .........

Similar: 6%