Comment Technical Data

Adds additional technical information to comment notifications, including referrer, User-Agent, and a lot more.

The default WordPress email notifications for moderation and new comments do not add very much technical data. This plugin captures an array of data, including the referrer that brought the user to the page where they commented, the referrer that brought them to the WordPress comments processing page (helps with fighting spam), User-Agent, Remote Host, Reverse DNS, Proxy Info, Browser Language, and more. In web design, there are various applications where this info can be helpful. If you are a technical type, or you just want to have additional info about a comment submitter, or to help stop spam, you might find this plugin useful. (If you are using WP-SpamFree you don't need this plugin as it already includes this exact functionality.)

User Agent Displayer

this plug-in displays the Browser and Platform of user who commented in your blog. it is capable of determining the version of the borwser....

Similar: 34%

FL3R User Agent Comments

This plugin detects, via the user agent, the browser and the operating system of the users of your site. When they publish a comment, the plugin shows the icons next to their name of their browser and OS, making the chain of comments more pleasant and interesting. Currently supported about 60 browse.........

Similar: 25%

cbnet Multi Author Comment Notification

Easily enable email notification of new comments to users other than the post author. Via Dashboard -> Settings -> Discussion, enable email notification to users by site admin, user role (Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, Subscriber ), or define arbitary email addresses to notify. A.........

Similar: 24%


Schmooz started out with one simple goal: to organize the hundreds of comments that were posted on a single webpage. With this in mind, it has shaped itself into an innovative new way of online communication. Designed by Dhruvil Patel and developed by the WebPlanex Team, Schmooz is here to change th.........

Similar: 24%

Comment Mail™ (WP Comment Subscriptions)

Comment Mail is a powerhouse plugin that allows commenters to sign up for email notifications whenever they leave a comment on your site. Or, they can also subscribe without commenting—the choice is theirs....

Similar: 24%

WordPress Thread Comment

This Plugin is an enhancement for WordPress's comment function. It enables users to reply on a exist comment, and the discussion will be displayed threaded or nested. 这是一个针对Wordpress评论功能的增强插件。本插件让用户能够对已有评论进行回复讨论,并将结果嵌套或成串显示。.........

Similar: 24%

Facebook Comments Notifier

The Facebook Comments Notifier plugin adds the facebook comment system in place of the default WordPress comments and creates email notifications on successfully posted comments. The email notification includes: A link back to the page where the comment was submitted The name of the person who su.........

Similar: 22%


Style your html and plain text mails with dedicated themes and templates. Double opt-in subscription. Subscriptions to Comments, Newsletters/Post notifications and even to Mailing lists. Newsletters/Post notifications on a per post, daily, weekly, monthly basis. Optional : full control on all mails.........

Similar: 16%

Comments - wordpress plugin by Vicomi

Free comments platform. Vicomi comments is a FREE comments platform. Comments with a new cool, Stylish graphic interface with the best comments moderation tool ever. NEW - Choose your own comments design. The platform presents web-based comments in a visual, interactive and personalized manner for .........

Similar: 10%

Subscribe To Comments Reloaded

Subscribe to Comments Reloaded is a robust plugin that enables commenters to sign up for e-mail notification of subsequent entries. The plugin includes a full-featured subscription manager that your commenters can use to unsubscribe to certain posts or suspend all notifications. It solves most of th.........

Similar: 8%