CSS Theme Override

If you've ever wanted to control how a particular part of your page or posts looks without having to modify the theme files or stylesheets, this is a simple plugin that allows you to do that.

Once installed and activated, you'll have a new settings panel in the WordPress admin that will provide you with a text area block where you can include any styling you'd like to use, and a second input field that allows you to insert a comma delimited list of page or post IDs to apply these styles to.

Alternatively, you can enter 'ALL', and have your styles applied on every page/post.

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Style Tweaker

You can add CSS to the entire website, regardless of what theme is being used, or add it to just the current theme. You can even add CSS that displays only when you are logged on - very useful when you're playing with a new look, and it's not quite ready for public viewing. That's it! There are no .........

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No more shoehorning stylesheets and JavaScripts into the post content box. No more loading scripts on every post that only a few use. Postscript lets you easily add libraries or single-post script and style files post-by-post. The plugin uses the WordPress "enqueue" methods, which means you can con.........

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One-Click Child Theme

Please visit the plugin homepage. Useful for shared hosts, this allows you to easily create child themes from any theme just by clicking. Ever since WordPress 3.0, you shouldn’t directly modify CSS of any downloaded themes because if you update the theme, your changes will be destroyed. Instead, i.........

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Custom Post Styles

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Styles: TwentyTwelve

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Styles: TwentyTen

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WP Child Theme Generator

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Styles: TwentyThirteen

This plugin adds suport for the TwentyThirteen theme to the Styles plugin. Try a demo in TwentyThirteen. About Styles WordPress has lots of beautiful themes, but personalizing a design can be difficult and time-intensive. Styles changes that. Styles gives you creative control in one consisten.........

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Styles: TwentyFourteen

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Simple Custom CSS and JS

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