Custom Permalinks

Lay out your site the way you want it. Set the URL of any post, page, tag or category to anything you want. Old permalinks will redirect properly to the new address. Custom Permalinks gives you ultimate control over your site structure.

Be warned: This plugin is not a replacement for WordPress's built-in permalink system. Check your WordPress administration's "Permalinks" settings page first, to make sure that this doesn't already meet your needs.

This plugin is only useful for assigning custom permalinks for individual posts, pages, tags or categories. It will not apply whole permalink structures, or automatically apply a category's custom permalink to the posts within that category.

Enhanced Custom Permalinks

This plugin is a fork of the Custom-Permalinks plugin. It has some expanded bug patches AND is able to interoperate with the WP-no-category-base plugin. This plugin will allow you to set permalinks in a more precise way - in short you can include sub-folders. A page could have the permalink http:.........

Similar: 86%

MQ Permalinks

MQ Permalinks is a plugin for the wordpress blog to make permalinks modification-secure. Changing blog name, page name or category slug creates broken links on external pages because the url for a specific page is changed. MQPermalinks plugin creates modification-secure permalinks as follows: p57.........

Similar: 86%

Permalink Editor

This plugin adds two areas of functionality: Global page, category or tag permalink structures and individual custom permalinks. Options are added to the Permalinks Settings page allowing you to specify the structure for pages, categories, tags and authors. By default - if custom permalinks are en.........

Similar: 39%

Permalinks Customizer

Lay out your site the way you want it. Customize your URL and set the slug. You can use basic keywords which is defined by the wordpress for the permalinks as well as someother new keywords which is defined by this plugin. All the keywords is defined on the Tags page under Permalinks Customizer. Be.........

Similar: 34%

BAW AutoShortener

AutoShortener can create short links in your WordPress website for your posts and pages but also for external links. You got many many great options, a usefull admin panel, bookmarklets, shorcodes. But easy to use ! Visit website for more informations....

Similar: 31%

Offsite Post

You can use this to show posts from other sites on your homepage and in your archives alongside your own sites posts. After you activate the plugin, any post with the post type "Link" will redirect to the first link in that posts content....

Similar: 22%

SKU Shortlink For WooCommerce

This handy plugin might just be what you have searched for. It will create URL Aliases for your WooCommerce products so you could still have your nicely Search Engine Optimized links and at the same time completely custom SKU based URLs for use in Social Media and e-quotes still linking to the same.........

Similar: 19%

SEO Ultimate

From the Creators of SEO Ultimate Premium Support Now Available The SEO Design Solutions team does not provide support for SEO Ultimate on the WordPress forums. However, dedicated one on one email support is available when you upgrade to SEO Ultimate+. The premium version of SEO Ultimate also has .........

Similar: 8%

ShortLink Analytics by SVS-Websoft

This plugin allows you to: - create shortlinks like - track unique visitors - track clicks - statistics by browser, OS, country, city - statistics by date (day, week, month, custom)...

Similar: 7%

Ads Manager WP/BB

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Any Ad code Unit to your posts and BuddyPress sections including Forum topics....

Similar: 4%