Custom Transliteration

Transliterates post slug from any language to Latin characters, using custom character arrays.


  • Compatible with any language: Arabic, Russian, Sweden, Serbian, French etc.
  • Allows you to set custom input and output arrays.
  • Automatically updates post slug on every post update (optional).

More information can be found on our site.

Cyrillic Slugs

Since Permalinks that contain Cyrillic may cause problems on some server setups, this plugin will work around this problem by updating the automatic Post Slug generation code. In this way, posts which have a title in Cyrillic will have permalinks transliterated in Latin characters....

Similar: 34%

Transliterate Arabic

Use simple 'codes' in the post editor to insert romanized Arabic letters. The HTML entities for each symbol are inserted into the saved post, so no conversion is needed at display-time....

Similar: 20%

German Slugs

While creating a post or page, WordPress automatically suggests a permalink. If your permalink structure contains the %postname% tag, then the title of your post or page will be used, simplified by conversion to lowercase, replacing spaces with hyphens, removing certain punctuation characters and re.........

Similar: 17%


Contents of the site should be written using Cyrillic script. Then, this plugin will allow users to choose to read contents in Cyrillic or Latin script. If some contents is entered in Latin script, it would stay in Latin even if user chooses to use Cyrillic. Transliteration occurs only from Cyrilli.........

Similar: 15%


The plugin is based on the Rus-To-Lat by Anton Skorobogatov Converts Armenian characters in post,page and term links to Latin characters. Very useful for Armenian-speaking users of WordPress. You can use this plugin for creating human-readable links. Конвертирует Армянские символы в ссылках записе.........

Similar: 13%

RP Recreate Slugs

Recreate articles and pages slugs (permalinks) with the most current ruleset. Useful when slug generation is changed or updated, especially with transliteration. Global slugs recovery. Saves sites. Use with care. You might need to recreate slugs after modifying the way the slugs generated and/or tr.........

Similar: 10%


This plugin converts Greek characters in post, page and term slugs to Latin characters. (Greeklish). Greek text turns into a long series of non-readable symbols when appeared in URLs, which makes it look bad. This plugin solves the problem and it just works!...

Similar: 10%

wp-cyr-cho | Конвертира кирилски символи в латиниски

Този плъгин (приставка, разширение) е направен, за да транслитерира кирилицата която се поява в URL-тата на WordPress блоговете. Механизмът за конвертиране е взаимстван от оригиналното решение на “Лошия”, като този плъгин прави мащаба на транслитерацията в блога по-голям, като се работят.........

Similar: 9%

WP Translit

When visitor enter some site written in Serbian Cyrillic script, WP Translit can automatically or on demand transliterate that site to Latin script. This is performed by checking Accept Language HTTP headers. If visitor don't have Serbian, Macedonian, Bulgarian or Russian language set as preferred .........

Similar: 7%

Strings Sanitizer

In A Nutshell Works by converting common accentuated UTF-8 characters, as well as a few special cyrillic, hebrew, spanish and german characters. Any white space will be replaced by a hyphen, thus generating SEO friendly post slugs, as well as generating Linux-friendly filenames....

Similar: 6%