Email Read Notify Track & Log

By : ibranded

Enables all outgoing emails to be tracked and logged via through native WordPress wp_mail email function. This plugin is perfect for Member websites that need to track and verify that new & existing members receive and read "welcome", "password reset" and other notification emails. It is also useful as an analytical enhancement tool for newsletter and email blast sending and tracking. Simply install this plugin, go to, register the email address used to send emails from your wordpress installation and any other email addresses you wish to track email messages being sent from. You can register for a free trial and then choose a plan starting at $3.95 (USD) per month up to a Premium plan for $36 (USD) annually. Future of this plugin will have localized logging functionality.

wp_mail to XMPP

This plugin sends XMPP notifications to the users who are registered and set their own Jabber ID. Emails to them are able to be suppressed. This plugin provides a function to be added 'wp_mail' hook in wp_mail() located in wp-includes/pluggable.php. This plugin requires XMPP Enabled plugin....

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Xmail - The Right Way

All webmasters experience the problem of their emails landing in their users spam folders, including our own! So we decided to develop a simple solution to fix this wide-spread annoyance. After a long development period, we have produced an effective method of sending emails which complies in ful.........

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e-mailing service

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PHPEnkoder is a port of the excellent Hivelogic Enkoder to PHP and, more specifically, to WordPress. It is used to display text in a way that users can see and bots can't. The encoding system is directly and unabashedly stolen from the BSD-licensed source of Hivelogic Enkoder, which works by random.........

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WebEmailProtector | email address spam protection

Welcome to the WebEmailProtector plugin for WordPress. This is the latest version, tested with WordPress version 4.3.1, WP's TwentyFifteen Theme and SocialIcons menus. With 100% satisfaction amongst its users so far we hope you like it too - but please review and leave your comments! Using WebEmail.........

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WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam

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Clean Up Booster - Optimize DB & WordPress

Clean Up Booster is a Superlative High quality WordPress Plugin which allows you to clean up the WordPress Database. The following things should be clean with the Clean Up Booster, which are mentioned below: Auto Drafts Dashboard Transient Feed Unapproved Comments Orphan Comments Meta Orphan Post.........

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Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) by BestWebSoft

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Contact Form Generator

Contact Form Generator is a powerful contact form builder for WordPress! It is structured for creating Contact Forms, Application Forms, Reservation Forms, Survey Forms, Contact Data Pages and much more. You will get ready-to-use forms just after installation. Contact Form Generator is packed with.........

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Ads Manager WP/BB

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Any Ad code Unit to your posts and BuddyPress sections including Forum topics....

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