Force Transient Refresh

Have you ever worked with transients and found yourself switching back and forth between your database and your code to make changes? Not anymore!

With Force Transient Refresh, you can clear all transients by adding a query string parameter to whatever URL you are trying to load.

Not for use in production. Should be used when you are developing locally and don't want to load up your database to clear out transients.

GitHub Repo

WP Live.php

This plugin was written to make WordPress theme and plugin developers' life easier. Inspired by the brilliant live.js script (written by Martin Kool), this plugin will auto refresh your browser if you change any files in your wp-content/themes or plugins directories. No need for Alt-Tab and manual r.........

Similar: 23%

Refresh Plugins / Themes / Core

Usually, WordPress will only check for updates every 12 hours. Now you can quickly and easily refresh/update your WP Database so WordPress will check for the latest versions of your installed Plugins / Themes and WP Core....

Similar: 23%

CJTe Advanced Theme Editor

The WordPress default Themes Editor (in Appearance => Editor) is great for doing some custom changes to your theme files, although it is rather limited. This is where the CJTe Advanced Theme Editor can help....

Similar: 8%

TSP Easy Dev

The Software People's (TSP) Easy Dev is a WordPress API for plugin development, check out some of the features below. Easy Dev makes OOD hot again and it's the engine that powers all WordPress plugins created by The Software People!...

Similar: 8%


EasyAPNs for WordPress is an adaptation of the Easy APNs open source project, developed by Ludovic Lecerf. The original project authors is Manifest Interactive. EasyAPNs is a tool to simplify interaction with the Apple Push Notification Service. It works great with Apple apps such as iPhone, iPod To.........

Similar: 8%


Sunrise is an opensource and OOP-based WordPress plugin framework. It was designed to speed up plugin deployment, together with sufficient functionality. This great framework allows you to create powerful options pages with just a few lines of code....

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Custom Error Log

Custom Error Log allows you to create custom errors in your WordPress theme or plugin with a single function. Great for debugging those long and complex scripts. Each error can have its own error message making it a lot easier to pin down specific issues in your code. You can also log notices for l.........

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Code Editor

Brings syntax highlighting and line numbers to the theme- and plugin-editor of wordpress. Supports php, css, html and js. Visit the Plugin Homepage for more details....

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Option Page Helper

Option Page Helper is just a class aimed to help developer create option pages easily in code. The class wrappes all function calls to create a option page. It stores the variables that are used multiple times for cleaner code and it auto-generate callbacks to minimize the development time....

Similar: 7%

YD WordPress Plugins Framework

Create new plugins quickly This simple plugin development framework makes it super easy to create sophisticated custom plugins and widgets for WordPress 2.9+. Please be aware that this is just an empty framework: when installed "as-is", the plugin will not do anything. It is just a base toolkit o.........

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