MobileESP for WordPress

This WordPress plugin will detect mobile devices and redirect the user to the mobile-optimized site of your choice (such as subdomain or subfolder).

This plugin uses the MobileESP by Anthony Hand as its detection script (under Apache License 2.0) and is based on Mobile Device Detect by Matthias Reuter

Banner drawing by Felix Wolfstrom.

Mobile Redirect for onemobi

This plugin will use the onemobi API to let you redirect your website to your onemobi mobile website....

Similar: 50%

Simple Mobile URL Redirect

A simple mobile redirect plugin for those who use a separate website URL for their mobile content. Simply put in the full path URL and you are ready to send users to your mobile-only content....

Similar: 50%

Simple Stop Sopa

This Plugin will censor your site on January 18th between 8am and 8pm local time in protest of SOPA and PIPA. It has no admin settings and is super easy to use....

Similar: 34%

Source Redirect Site

Press Pixels Source Redirect Site for WordPress redirects your site before loading any site content based on the specific source device, browser (mobile or standard), user role or login status, global location and also any Global State. Source Redirect Site for WordPress is a complete redirection p.........

Similar: 28%

Mojaba for WordPress

The Mojaba® WordPress plugin links any WordPress site with the comprehensive mobile website tool built for creative professionals....

Similar: 23%

PHP Browser Detection

Version 3 adds support for is_tablet(), is_desktop(), and is_browser() as well as numerous bug fixes and code improvements. As of version 3.1.2 automatic updates of browscap.ini are disabeld until we can deal with memory usage issues. PHP Browser Detection is a WordPress plugin used to detect a use.........

Similar: 23%

Mobile Client Detection Plugin

In case the mobile version of your blog shall have a different layout or when it’s required to load different versions of CSS/JS code.: This plug-in can overload template files and theme directories - by the detected platform. And it can provide query_vars 'platform' & 'browser' for creating m.........

Similar: 15%

Mobile Device Detection by 51Degrees

The 51Degrees mobile device detection plugin is a complete pack to help mobilize your website and blog. It includes a mobile device detector and switcher to select themes based on the type of device visiting your website, a selection of mobile themes and an administration tool to allow easy, quick .........

Similar: 8%

Equivalent Mobile Redirect

This WordPress plugin will detect mobile devices and redirect the user to the equivalent mobile page/post as set in the metabox that is added to your page and post screens upon activation. Option for redirecting blog index available in settings. You can also optionally override equivalent redirects .........

Similar: 8%


WebSite | Stats | Facebook | Twitter | Contact Détecte un terminal mobile et vous permet de le basculer sur une thème mobile, ou de le rediriger vers un site marchand adapté et optimisé pour ce terminal, vous toucherez alors une commission à vie sur chaque vente. Vous avez également la possibilité.........

Similar: 4%