Notify On Action

This plugin allows you to sent email notifications whenever an action is performed on your site. For example, let's you want to be notified when a user clicks a particular button on your site, or you want to notify another person when you process a request, etc This plugin can help you.

Simply follow the steps below:

    * Create Notification Template using the form below
    * Copy & Paste the following code in the theme/plugin code where you want the email notification to be sent.

    if (has_action("noa_notify_on_action")) do_action( 'noa_notify_on_action','<Enter_Notification_Name>', null);

There are other options on how to use the plugin. See 'How to Use' below

This plugin is available under the GPL license, which means that it's free. If you use it for a commercial web site, if you appreciate my efforts or if you want to encourage me to develop and maintain it, please consider making a donation using Paypal, a secured payment solution. You just need to click the donate button on the settings page and follow the instructions.

Gravity Forms: Notification Attachments

An active form with notifications must be available to In order to add attachments to notification you must select them through the media modal, once listed save the notification to attach during notification triggers. This plugin uses the core WordPress and Gravity Forms methods to attach and send.........

Similar: 34%

Email Login Attempts

This plugin will send an email whenever a someone tries to login via the WordPress login page....

Similar: 34%

Comment Notice

Main Features: List comment subscriptions email, post name, date. Ban or Active the subscribers. Modify email notification subject, body, footer by tags. Modify email styles, include body background, text color and footer background. Change the display text on the end of comment area. More info:.........

Similar: 34%

Post Comment Notification

Currently WordPress only sends an email to the email address entered in the Options->General->E-mail address field when any new comment is submitted or that comment is awaiting moderation (depending on what you have selected for the comment moderation options in your installation). For those .........

Similar: 34%

Domain Check

Domain Check Domain Check allows you to see what domains and SSL certificates are coming up for expiration and to quickly locate the coupons, coupon codes, and deals from your favorite sites before renewing. Add any email addresses and have multiple people get alerts for upcoming domain renewals or.........

Similar: 17%

WP JV Custom Email Settings

By default when you send any notification from your blog (including many of the plugins as well) sender is "WordPress" and the sender e-mail address is I wanted to have .........

Similar: 16%

wp_mail to XMPP

This plugin sends XMPP notifications to the users who are registered and set their own Jabber ID. Emails to them are able to be suppressed. This plugin provides a function to be added 'wp_mail' hook in wp_mail() located in wp-includes/pluggable.php. This plugin requires XMPP Enabled plugin....

Similar: 15%

MailPoet Newsletters - Mandrill Spam and Bounce Cleaner

If you use the MandrillApp service to send your MailPoet (formerly Wysija) newsletter emails, then this is a great add-on for you. In order to keep your Mandrill reputation high (which affects your rate limit for sending) you must be sure that Mandrill bounces, spam complaints, and unsubscribes are .........

Similar: 10%

Smart Email Alerts

Make your readers return - with Smart Email Alerts by Followistic. After installing the plugin your readers will find a nifty, fully customizable widget below your posts. It displays all the topics, the author and the categories of the respective post and allows your readers to select and subscribe.........

Similar: 8%

Ads Manager WP/BB

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Any Ad code Unit to your posts and BuddyPress sections including Forum topics....

Similar: 2%