PGP Key Generator

With PGP Key Generator, your visitors can generate their own private and public PGP keys. It is also possible to use the plugin to encrypt and unencrypt a PGP message.

Check for more info.

Is it secure ?

  • All code is implememented in readable Javascript.
  • You can verify the source code.
  • No binaries are loaded from a server or used embedded.
  • No hidden transfer of plain text.

This plugin is based on the tool developed by Ian Purton.


With wp2pgpmail, your visitors can send you a PGP encrypted message very easily. A contact form will offer encryption for sending you confidental messages. Do have any PGP key? Try our online PGP key generator NEW !! We have now released a Pro version: Gravity Forms PGP Encryption plugin It's .........

Similar: 92%


SimpleSecure is a plugin that allows you to insert a secure contact form on any page or post. The email message submitted by your visitor is securely encrypted using GPG/PGP, however no binaries are required nor are any shell calls necessary. SimpleSecure includes a pure PHP port of the GPG encrypt.........

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WP PGP Encrypted Emails

WP PGP Encrypted Emails automatically encrypts any email that WordPress sends to your site's admin email address or user email addresses after you give it a copy of the recipient's PGP public key. This protects your user's privacy by ensuring that emails intended for them can be read only by them an.........

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Simple Mail Address Encoder

Automatically encodes every e-mail address in a mailto tag on posts, pages, sidebar widgets and post/page meta values to prevent spam. Simply decodes any previously encoded e-mail address by just clicking the mail link. This plugin does not have any graphical user interface - just activate it in yo.........

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Email Address Encoder

A lightweight plugin to protect plain email addresses and mailto links from email-harvesting robots by encoding them into decimal and hexadecimal entities. Has effect on the posts, pages, comments, excerpts and text widgets. No UI, no shortcode, no JavaScript — just simple spam protection....

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Email Encoder Bundle - Protect Email Address

Encode mailto links, email addresses, phone numbers and any text to hide them from (spam)bots....

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WebEmailProtector | email address spam protection

Welcome to the WebEmailProtector plugin for WordPress. This is the latest version, tested with WordPress version 4.3.1, WP's TwentyFifteen Theme and SocialIcons menus. With 100% satisfaction amongst its users so far we hope you like it too - but please review and leave your comments! Using WebEmail.........

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WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam

An exceptionally powerful and user-friendly WordPress anti-spam plugin that eliminates comment spam, trackback spam, contact form spam & registration spam....

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Wordfence Security

THE MOST DOWNLOADED WORDPRESS SECURITY PLUGIN Wordfence starts by checking if your site is already infected. We do a deep server-side scan of your source code comparing it to the Official WordPress repository for core, themes and plugins. Then Wordfence secures your site and makes it up to 50 times.........

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Advanced WordPress Security

The Advanced WordPress Security plugin Developed by World Web Arts to protect your wordpress website from virus and malicious attack by permission set, change wp url, setting updates, file scan, database backup, folder backup, traffic check etc. Advanced WordPress Security plugin is 100% free. Fea.........

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