WP PGP Encrypted Emails

By : Meitar

WP PGP Encrypted Emails automatically encrypts any email that WordPress sends to your site's admin email address or user email addresses after you give it a copy of the recipient's PGP public key. This protects your user's privacy by ensuring that emails intended for them can be read only by them and them alone.

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The plugin works transparently for all email your site generates, and will also encrypt outgoing email generated by other plugins (such as contact form plugins) or the built-in WordPress notification emails. All you have to do is add a PGP public key to the General Settings screen. You can also remove envelope information such as email subject lines, which PGP cannot encrypt. There is no longer any need to pay for the "pro" version of your favorite contact form plugin to get the benefit of email privacy.

Additionally, each of your site's users can supply their own, personal public key for their own email address to have WordPress automatically encrypt any email destined for them. (They merely need to update their user profile pages.) Once saved, all future emails WordPress sends to that user will be encrypted with their public key.

The encrypted emails can be decrypted by any OpenPGP-compatible mail client, such as Mailvelope, MacGPG, or Enigmail. For more information on reading encrypted emails, generating keys, and other uses for OpenPGP-compatible encrpytion, consult any (or all!) of the following resourceful guides:

  • The Electronic Frontier Foundation's Surveillance Self-Defense guide to PGP
  • RiseUp.net's OpenPGP best practices guide

Additionally, WP PGP Encrypted Emails provides an easy to use API to OpenPGP operations through the familiar WordPress plugin API. See the Other Notes page for details.

Security Disclaimer

Security is a process, not a product. Using WP PGP Encrypted Emails does not guarantee that your site's outgoing messages are invulnerable to every attacker, in every possible scenario, at all times. No single security measure, in isolation, can do that.

Do not rely solely on this plugin for the security or privacy of your webserver. See the Frequently Asked Questions for more security advice and for more information about the rationale for this plugin.

WP PGP email

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