Possibly Related Classroom Projects

By : unknown

"Possibly Related Classroom Projects" enables you to share relevant classroom projects from DonorsChoose.org based on the content of your posts.

DonorsChoose.org is where teachers submit project proposals for materials or experiences their students need to learn and succeed. Anyone can then choose projects to help bring to life. DonorsChoose.org usually has over 14,000 active proposals.

"Possibly Related Classroom Projects" makes it super easy to connect your readers to relevant classroom projects in need of help.

You'll be amazed at the relevancy of many of these classroom projects to your posts (as well as the awesome and imaginative projects that are happening in classrooms around the US).

"Possibly Related Classroom Projects" is a project of Social Actions Labs. [http://socialactions.com/labs]

For more info about the WordPress plugin, please see our project page. [http://www.socialactions.com/labs/wordpress-donorschoose-plugin]

For more info. about DonorsChoose.org, please see their Help section. [http://www.donorschoose.org/help/help.html]

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