Pull To Resfresh

Pull to refresh is a popular feature on our mobile devices/Apps that refreshes the current page/screen by pulling down on the view. It is an ultra-intuitive way of refreshing the displayed page content by simply pulling the page down with your thumb, then releasing it — sort of like pulling a lever on a slot machine. It is simple and easy to do!

The official Foursquare and Twitter apps use it, so if you're into social networking, you're already familiar. But so far, its use has been limited to native apps.


  • Plugin no option, easy to use, install (enable) and go.

Compatible With All recents Device and Popular Browsers

  • Android
  • BlackBerry
  • iOS
  • Windows touch devices
  • It also works on desktop browsers.

Force Transient Refresh

Have you ever worked with transients and found yourself switching back and forth between your database and your code to make changes? Not anymore! With Force Transient Refresh, you can clear all transients by adding a query string parameter to whatever URL you are trying to load. Not for use in pr.........

Similar: 20%


Still waiting your visitors to refresh their browser? Quick and easy way to give life to your WordPress site Engage your visitors with realtime posts and instant discussions, no more F5 and refresh button spamming. Increase your conversion rate Transform your WordPress blog - forum - eshop into.........

Similar: 15%


CSSrefresh is a small, unobstructive plugin that monitors the CSS-files included in your webpage. As soon as you save a CSS-file, the changes are directly implemented, without having to refresh your browser....

Similar: 13%


Saves you from asking "have you emptied your cache?". Features Safe to leave running on live sites. Only refreshes browser cache for a file if it has been modified. Resolves Content Delivery Network (CDN) issues. No need to purge CDN cache. Multisite compatible. "Just works" — no configuration ne.........

Similar: 13%

Image autorefresh shortcode

More info at the GitHub repository Image autorefresh shortcode Image autorefresh shortcode is a small shortcode plugin for WordPress that allows images in your post that reload on a regular interval How to use the plugin After installing and activating of the plugin in your WordPress page, you c.........

Similar: 12%

WP Live.php

This plugin was written to make WordPress theme and plugin developers' life easier. Inspired by the brilliant live.js script (written by Martin Kool), this plugin will auto refresh your browser if you change any files in your wp-content/themes or plugins directories. No need for Alt-Tab and manual r.........

Similar: 12%

Refresh Plugins / Themes / Core

Usually, WordPress will only check for updates every 12 hours. Now you can quickly and easily refresh/update your WP Database so WordPress will check for the latest versions of your installed Plugins / Themes and WP Core....

Similar: 12%


Notify your visitors when their internet connection goes down. Disable links so they don't end up with error pages....

Similar: 7%

Clear Cache for Me

NOTE: If you do not use the W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache plugins, WP Fastest Cache, or do not host your website on WPEngine, this plugin will do nothing for you. W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache are great caching plugins, but they do not know when a widget is updated. WPEngine is the best pl.........

Similar: 6%

Warm Cache

Crawls your website-pages based on any XML sitemap. If you have a caching plugin this will keep your cache warm. Speeds up your site. Compatible with following elements: < sitemap > < url > All urls in your sitemap will be visited by the plugin to keep the cache up to date. Will show av.........

Similar: 4%