Referer Spam Blocker

Referer spam has been growing and clogging up website analytics data (such as Google Analytics) with fraudulent traffic statistics. Millions of users are reporting issues and it has become a major nuisance.

Block these malicious sites easily. All major referer spam domains blocked out of the box and you can customize the domain keyword lists to block any domains you wish. Brought to you by the team of WordPress experts at WP Maintainer.

AVH First Defense Against Spam

The AVH First Defense Against Spam plugin gives you the ability to block spammers before any content is served by identifying them at the Project Honey Pot, a local blacklist or the local IP cache. Visitors trying to post a comment are checked at Stop Forum Spam is not used to che.........

Similar: 38%


This plugin creates an admin paged called Blacklist under the Settings menu that contains 3 text boxes which are automatically populated with lists of all the IP addresses, urls, and email addresses of comments marked as spam. These lists can also be sorted by instance number, making it easier to id.........

Similar: 28%

IP Filter

Grants or denies access to a list of IP addresses. Unauthorized IP addresses will get a 403 Forbidden HTTP header. The error message is customizable and can contain HTML. Blocked IP addresses can be logged. IP addresses to be filtered can be typed in a text zone. Here is a list of what .........

Similar: 24%

Blackhole for Bad Bots

Add your own virtual Blackhole trap for bad bots. The Blackhole plugin includes a hidden link to your pages. You then add a line to your robots.txt file that forbids bots from following the hidden link. Bots that ignore or disobey your robots rules will crawl the link and fall into the trap. Once tr.........

Similar: 24%

CM E-Mail Registration Blacklist

The Registration Blacklist plugin will check a user trying to register to your WordPress site against defined blacklists taken from SpamAssassin’s free domains list. The email blocking plugin stops users on blacklisted domains from registering to your WordPress site, stopping unwanted spammers, viru.........

Similar: 23%

iQ Block Country

If you want to block people from certain (obscure) countries that have no business visiting your blog and perhaps only leave spam comments or other harmful actions than this is the plugin for you. Choose which countries you want to ban from visiting your blog. Any visitors from that country get a .........

Similar: 19%

Login Security

A lot of brute-force attacks are performed on WordPress websites without you probably noticed it. These attacks are performed by computer programs and consists to try every possible password until to find the correct one. If you use a popular password such as "123456" or "qwerty" it's very easy to a.........

Similar: 19%

Block Referer Spam

Block Referer Spam aims at blocking all (or most) websites that use Referer Spam to promote their – often more than dodgy – website content. This is accomplished by bots that very successfully simulate human behavior. They do this so well, that they even show up in Google Analytics. This plugin does.........

Similar: 18%

Visitor Maps Extended Referer Field

Extend the Visitor Maps and Who's Online plugin by Mike Challis with this handy plugin. This plugin adds additional features, such as IP and referer banning. It also alters the Referer column for the Admin's Who's Been Online grid, displaying the referring host name followed by the search string, if.........

Similar: 9%

SiteBrains Interactive Spam Blocker

Block spam using state of the art client-side form validation. SiteBrains plug-in displays themed notifications to your users as they type. Our analysis is signed using a secret key unique to your domain. The signed analysis is submitted in a hidden field along with the rest of the form fields. This.........

Similar: 5%