Shabat Keeper

By : unknown

Allows to turn off the WordPress site, while Shabat of High Holidays are going on in your area.

Zmanim Widget

Displays Jewish calendar information in a widget....

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Shabat Clock

This will close down your site on the Shabat...

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turn off the WordPress site, while Shabat of High Holidays סגירת אתרי וורדפרס בשבתות וחגים For more information ...

Similar: 50%

Alex Easiest Contact Form

This plugin allows you to add a contact form from any page in your website and has an option to use recaptcha anti-spam, just a note, this plugin does not modify your wordpress install, no options or tables are created. See for help...

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Comment Guestbook

The purpose of this plugin is to add a guestbook site which uses the wordpress integrated comments. Using the wordpress integrated comments system has some important advantages: Consistent styling of guestbook form and comment list for every theme you are using. All wordpress comment features are .........

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Off Your Site

Temporarily disable webste display to users but still display with administrators to update the website....

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Quick New Site Defaults

The plugin saves your time with default settings on a single options page. After you have installed a new WordPress site activate that plugin and choose a few settings. The plugin sets typical settings either for a blog site or a static site. Save them with one single click and the configuration of .........

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AeyTimes Site Feedback / Comments Widget

Would you like a mechanism to allow and encourage your readers the opportunity to frequently provide useful feedback to help improve your site? Look no further. Set up an AeyTimes ideas page, and install the AeyTimes Site Feedback / Comments Widget to proudly display feedback from your beloved site .........

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SEO Post Content Links

SEO Internal linking (page, post, category). Automatic SEO for website...

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Zedity Editor: The Best Way to Create Your Posts and Pages!

Would you like to make your WordPress experience much easier? Zedity enables you to create posts and pages as naturally as writing on paper! With absolutely no coding skills required, creating catchy and professional content becomes incredibly easy and quick for anyone! Zedity is available in .........

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