Social Count Plus

The Social Count Plus performs counting for:

  • Comments total
  • Facebook page fans
  • GitHub followers
  • Google+ page/profile followers
  • Instagram followers
  • LinkedIn company followers
  • Pinterest followers
  • Posts total
  • SoundCloud follwers
  • Steam Community group members
  • Tumblr followers
  • Twitch channel followers
  • Twitter followers
  • Users total
  • Vimeo followers

You can view this information by a widget (with account options models icons) or Shortcodes (to be used in posts and pages) or PHP functions in your theme.

The results of the counters are cached and new values ​​are checked only once a day. This cache can be wiped when published a new post.

The cache avoids not only that your blog be seeking new results every time a page is loaded, but also prevents collapse of services from Twitter and Facebook, if one of these services does not respond, the counter displays the last count it was successful.

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