Subscribe2 čeština

Přeloží plugin Subscribe2 do češtiny. Plugin je kompatibilní s verzi 10.18.x a větší

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Subscribe2 Widget-hack

This plugin is really just a widget to go along with the Subscribe2 plugin. There is a conflict with some plugins and the widget that comes with the Subscribe2 plugin due to the use of the-content(). See here. This widget does not use the-content(), but functions in the same exact way as the origi.........

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České komentáře

Plugin opravuje chybu komentářů, které nejsou stavěné na české skloňování. V jednoduché administraci můžete nastavit své vlastní řetězce pro určitý počet komentářů....

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Shortcodes Ultimate překlad

Přeloží plugin shortcodes-ultimate do více jazyků včetně češtiny a slovenštiny. Již dostupné překlady: Čeština ...

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Subscribe2 widget

Widget show subscribe2 bar in any sidebar. Coding by: Twitter profile More plugins...

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Subscribe2 Widget Pro

Subscribe2 Widget Pro Subscribe2 is the leading email subscription plugin for WordPress with more than 1.2 million downloads. Unfortunately, the widget that comes with the plugin lacks ease of integration and a good user experience. That's where Subscribe2 Widget Pro comes in... Subscribe2 Widget P.........

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Podpora online

Online podpora pro českou komunitu. Naleznete zde překlady pluginů, šablon, přidá barevné odlišení článků a mnoho dalšího....

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Post Notification

** WARNING: This plugin is not actively maintained any more. If you are interested in taking over (or just fixing the use of depricated functions), please drop me a mail.** Besides that, it is working fine without maintenance since the end of 2009. Changelog WP Mail SMTP is recommended Features:.........

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Smart Email Alerts

Make your readers return - with Smart Email Alerts by Followistic. After installing the plugin your readers will find a nifty, fully customizable widget below your posts. It displays all the topics, the author and the categories of the respective post and allows your readers to select and subscribe.........

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