
Created by Make Do, choose in the settings which post types you want this to support, and optionally add a meta box to that post type to view, add or remove permalinks and/or aliases.

The plugin will automaticaly keep track of changes to the post types you have 'activated' the plugin on, and will automatically 301 redirect to those pages if an old URL is landed on (WordPress typically dosn't do this for deep hierarchical content, and will instead serve a 404 error).

Also you can add custom redirects, so if you have a page URL of http://domain.com/about-my-organisation/contacting-us, with this plugin you can direct a custom URL alias to that page such as: http://domain.com/contact.

Link Shortcut

Ever want your own shortcuts without mucking about with permalink structures? The Link Shortcut plugin allows you to create short (random numbers and letters, or short words) URLs under your blog's domain that redirect (301 or 302, your choice) a user to other pages, either in your site or on anoth.........

Similar: 40%

SEO Permalinks Modifier

The SEO Permalinks Modifier plugin help to remove common words like 'a', 'the', 'to', 'what' from post slugs to improve search engine optimization performance for your wordpress site. For example, when you publish a post with a title like this: "How to Improve SEO Rank", WordPress automatically a.........

Similar: 18%

Hikari Internal Links

Don't worry anymore of linking a post or a category, to later change its title or slug, or changing your posts permalinks, and creating invalid links to your own site pages. Hikari Internal Links provides a shortcode that dynamically generates links to most WordPress resources. You can query these .........

Similar: 17%

Postname Permalink Auto Redirect

Changed the permalink structure and don't want to lose your SEO? You're in the right place! This plugin will automatically redirect the old '%postname%' permalink structure to the new one as long you keep the same slug in the posts. It works by searching posts by the slug name that comes in the req.........

Similar: 16%

Offsite Post

You can use this to show posts from other sites on your homepage and in your archives alongside your own sites posts. After you activate the plugin, any post with the post type "Link" will redirect to the first link in that posts content....

Similar: 16%

SKU Shortlink For WooCommerce

This handy plugin might just be what you have searched for. It will create URL Aliases for your WooCommerce products so you could still have your nicely Search Engine Optimized links and at the same time completely custom SKU based URLs for use in Social Media and e-quotes still linking to the same.........

Similar: 13%

ClickMeter Link Shortener and Analytics

The ClickMeter Link Shortener and Analytics plugin‏ is dedicated to marketing Agencies, Affiliates, Publishers and Advertisers. This powerful all-in-one plugin allows you to immediately optimize your web-marketing actions: Custom Domain link shortner: Shorten every link inside and outside of your .........

Similar: 8%

ShortLink Analytics by SVS-Websoft

This plugin allows you to: - create shortlinks like http://yourdomain.com/7TDZ8nMEqg - track unique visitors - track clicks - statistics by browser, OS, country, city - statistics by date (day, week, month, custom)...

Similar: 7%

Pretty Link Lite

Pretty Link Pro Upgrade to Pretty Link Pro Pretty Link Pro is a significant upgrade to Pretty Link Lite that adds many tools and redirection types that will allow you to create pretty links automatically, cloak links, auto-tweet links, replace keywords thoughout your blog with pretty links and muc.........

Similar: 6%

Ads Manager WP/BB

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Any Ad code Unit to your posts and BuddyPress sections including Forum topics....

Similar: 2%