TinyMCE Paste in Plain Text by Default

After activating this plugin TinyMCE will start to paste plain text by default. This is helpful if users are not familiar with HTML and styling and how that can get terribly messed up when you paste formatted text from Microsoft Word or other rich text software.

Paste as Plain Text

Forces the WordPress editor to paste everything as plain text....

Similar: 38%

WP 3.9 Style Visual Editor Paste Function

Restores the Paste function in the TinyMCE rich text editor to the way WordPress 3.9 was. Well, almost. I tried my best to replace WordPress 3.9's TinyMCE paste function as it was working on my site. In WordPress 4.0, pasting rich text copies over extraneous unnecessary formatting. This plugin shou.........

Similar: 29%

Secure Paste

WordPress itself does a job of filtering dangerous code inside your content. But your users can break your site design without compromising your security by inserting unnecessary HTML tags in post, page or in custom post type. Secure Paste removes unnecessary HTML tags from post, page and custom po.........

Similar: 19%

Forum Beginner Posts

Novice or non-technical users may be uncomfortable with shortcodes and html formatting. Enabling the Visual Editor pane in bbPress allows them to create and format forum posts using a familiar, word-processor-like set of tool buttons. However, novice users may not be aware that text copied from ap.........

Similar: 17%

Navayan TinyMCE Pretty Code

Did you feel stressed when you have to make some text, of your WordPress post, as inline code or to add syntax highlighter class to pre-formatted text? 'Navayan TinyMCE Pretty Code' WordPress plugin will save your time and takes out this weird behavior! It prettifies your inline code and pre-format.........

Similar: 10%

Share my Tweet

Share my Tweet use TinyMCE to include various icons, button, cool effects as well as other cool styles into your blog post. Select text on the visual editor then select any feature under the Styles drop down box to render cool effect on your post....

Similar: 10%

Just TinyMCE Custom Styles

This plugin controls TinyMce "style_formats" parameter. It allows to add custom formatters to the Wysiwyg editor. This is only user interface to the standard feature, which is disabled by default and explained in official documentation on codex.wordpress.org: https://codex.wordpress.org/TinyMCE_Cus.........

Similar: 10%

TinyMCE VisualBlocks

View VisualBlocks in WordPress Visual Editor....

Similar: 10%

OTW TinyMCE Widget

Insert a TinyMCE editor in any of your sidebars. OTW TinyMCE Widget Options Add a title to the widget All tinyMCE options are available Visual or Text mode Custom CSS Class Custom styling If you need to further style the widget content generated by the OTW TinyMCE Widget here are your option.........

Similar: 10%

Tag, Category & Author Link Button

This plugin will add a new button to the post and page editing TinyMCE toolbar (though only in visual/rich editing mode). Highlight text and click the main button and it will make that text a tag link to your blog, or you can click the submenu to choose from your site's category links or links to au.........

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