TJ Google Sitemaps XML

By : egower

Select what post types you want to appear in your sitemap.xml file and they are dynamically generated at /sitemap.xml.

Google Mobile Sitemap Feed With Multisite Support

Español - English - Italiano - Français - Deutsch Google Mobile Sitemap Feed With Multisite Support genera dinámicamente un mapa de sitio para móviles de Google creando un archivo sitemap-mobile.xml virtual....

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XML Sitemaps

The XML Sitemaps plugin for WordPress will automatically generate XML Sitemaps for your site and notify search engines when they're updated. Contrary to other plugins that generate sitemap files, this one will add a rewrite rule and store your cached sitemaps in the wp-content/sitemaps folder. The.........

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XML Sitemap & Google News feeds

This plugin dynamically creates feeds that comply with the XML Sitemap and the Google News Sitemap protocol. Multisite and Polylang compatible and there are no files created. Options can be found on Settings > Reading to control which sitemaps, which post and taxonomy types are included, how prio.........

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Better WordPress Google XML Sitemaps (with sitemapindex, multi-site and Google News sitemap support)

With BWP GXS you will no longer have to worry about the 50,000 URL limit or the time it takes for a sitemap to be generated. This plugin is fast, consumes much less resource and can be extended via your very own modules (yes, no hooks needed!). Here's a demo of the sitemapindex if you are interested.........

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Google XML Sitemap Generator

Google XML Sitemap Generator adds powerful and configurable RSS and Google XML sitemap features to WordPress. It enables you to set global sitemap defaults to get up and running quickly which can then be customised at the category, tag, post and page level. Features include: HTML, RSS and Google .........

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Google Sitemaps XML

This is special plugin which helps your WordPress site to easily create sitewise XML sitemap and ping Google, Bing, Yahoo and to index your WordPress site or blog. This plugin generates XML sitemap following Sitemap protocol to help search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN to bett.........

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Sitemap Generator

The Sitemap Generator uses an external service to crawl your website and create a XML sitemap of your website. The generator works thus for every plugin out of the box. The computation costs for your website is also very low because the crawler acts like a normal visitor, who visits all pages of you.........

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ExpressCurate plugin includes: RSS feeds and Google alerts importer Curation post composer and editor SEO optimization Keyword analysis and management Flexible publishing options Curation on-the-go: optional Chrome extension and Android app (both free) ExpressCurate is an ideal tool for professi.........

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SiteCondor SEO

The SiteCondor SEO plugin delivers weekly crawl reports that show you how search engines see your WordPress site, and prioritized recommendations highlighting errors and optimization opportunities. It's the perfect complement to WordPress SEO by Yoast or All-in-one SEO Pack. SiteCondor SEO includes.........

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Squirrly SEO helps you write content that is SEO friendly and ALSO Human friendly. You'll get to improve your rankings, while providing your readers with great content. See Your SEO Stats, get a weekly SEO Audit and find the best keywords. It works well with WordPress sites that already have Yoast .........

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