WordPress Code Snippet

By : unknown

This plugin will allow you to add code snippets to your pages/posts. This is great for code tutorial sites.

Code Snippet Library

"Code Snippet Library" is designed for use on code tutorial sites - it gives you a way to store code snippets that you can use numerous times in any post. You simply create the snippet and place the relevant shortcode where you want it to appear. The snippets are managed using WordPress' taxonomy UI.........

Similar: 38%

Run This!

This plugin lets your readers run snippets of code directly from your blog. Simply add a class "run-this" and a lang attribute to the PRE tag surrounding the code. The lang attribute should have one of the following values : ada, assembler, awk, bash, bc, brainf**k, c, csharp, cpp, c99, clips, clo.........

Similar: 34%

Gist GitHub Shortcode

This plugin adds Github Gists in your posts via shortcode. Examples Add a full gist: [gist id="3837669"] Add a specific file in a gist: [gist id="3837669" file="index.php"] ...

Similar: 34%

SyntaxHighlighter Evolved: VHDL Brush

This plugin enables the syntax colorization for the VHDL and Verilog languages by extending the Syntax Highlighter Evolved functionality (and thus, you need to have it installed). For VHDL examples you can check some of my posts at Estado Finito. Here is another example, using the Xilinx UCF and VH.........

Similar: 34%

My Syntax Highlighter

An easy to use WordPress plugin that provides a simple way for embedding syntax-highlighted source code within pages or posts on your website, without losing it's formatting or making any manual changes. Supporting 14 languages, 16 shortcodes and 36 themes. The syntax highlighting feature implemente.........

Similar: 22%

Prism Syntax Highlighter for WordPress

Despite two plugins already on wordpress.org I decided to write my own from scratch. The result is a minimalistic but powerful plugin with only ~250 lines of PHP. Supports every possible Prism configuration. Does not load prism on every page, only when needed. Supports automatic detection of prism.........

Similar: 19%

My Custom Functions

An easy to use WordPress plugin that lets you EASILY and SAFELY add your own functions, snippets or any custom codes for execution in WordPress environment directly out of your WordPress Dashboard without any need of an external editor. It’s purpose is to provide a familiar experience to WordPress .........

Similar: 18%

Prism Highlight

This plugin uses the Prism.JS to Highlight & Style Code The plugin also adds styling to the existing prism Quick tag in your WordPress text editor. For More Detail Check This Link: How to Beautify WordPress Code using Prism.js Languages Supported: Markup CSS C-like JavaScript PHP ...

Similar: 15%

IDE Micro code-editor

Short code implementation of Codeflask Usage [codeflask language="langused" title="title of file or what ever!"] code goes here [/codeflask] You are required to set both these attributes. Current attributes language = type of syntax. title = title of editor. Demo You can view it wor.........

Similar: 14%

SmartAss Highlighter

SmartAss Highlighter is a simple and easy to use code prettifier for wordpress. The code between <pre> and </pre> tags is highlighted. Almost all languages are supported, no need to mention the code language. Customizable for each post, use [highlighter] shortcode to enable for particul.........

Similar: 8%