
By : msimone

WP-Terminal generates a terminal-like box around your terminal commands.

The code is a modification of WP-Syntax, a source code highlighter plugin for WordPress (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-syntax/screenshots/).


WP-ShkShell provides a terminal-like box for embedding terminal commands within pages or posts. It also support multi-lines, multi-commands and has syntax hightlight. The code is a modification of WP-Terminal (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-terminal/)....

Similar: 72%

Post Terminal

Post Terminal generates a terminal-like box that you can use to demonstrate terminal output or show the entry of terminal/console commands in a manner that is more demonstrative of actually using a Linux/Unix terminal or Windows cmd shell. The code is a fork of WP-Terminal which in turn is a modifi.........

Similar: 63%

WP Log in Browser

I'm working on a nice admin screen to config auto-logging of some common things (like wp_query in pre_get_posts and wp), and some other goodies. To log things manually, you can use: browser()->log ( $var, $label ); browser()->warn ( $var, $label ); browser()->info ( $var, $label ); br.........

Similar: 25%

Debug Bar Console

Adds a PHP/MySQL console to the debug bar. Requires the Debug Bar plugin (v0.5 or later)....

Similar: 25%


Show the world how you use the command line with this plugin. Designed for tech blogs, tutorials and sections where terminal commands matter. This plugin, make a shortcode: [simterm][/simterm] and shows the text inside as in a terminal session, including some typing animation and separating user in.........

Similar: 22%

Ataino Consolelog Output

This is Development support tool. it's easy to use. Place <?php $myout = new ataino_console(); $myout->log( $variable, $variable, more variable ); ?> in your templates. $variable is text,Array,Object. example output the Character. <?php $myout = new ataino_console(); .........

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REST Console Embed

Embed a console for exploring REST APIs in your content. Based on Automattic's WordPress.com Console. For the console to work properly, the target API will need to: * respond to versioned requests, specified in the url(https://wordpress.org/plugins/rest-console-embed/e.g. /api/v1/endpoint) * expos.........

Similar: 17%


Debug PHP variables in the JavaScript console (Chrome & Firebug). Use instead of PHP's native var_dump() function. Usage: <?php console( $var ); ?> You can also tag a variable; Usage: <?php console( $var, $tag ); ?>. Debug with Krumo: <?php console( $var, $tag, true ); ?>. .........

Similar: 15%

JK Development Console

This is the easiest way to add custom css and/or javascript to your site. Two large windows with css and javascript syntax highlighting makes it super easy to read and write code. JK Development console also uses AJAX to save the css and javascript data - meaning that the page won't reload and you c.........

Similar: 15%


WpDevTool implements many useful functions for WordPress Developers such as: Maintenance mode: Return a HTTP RESPONSE 503 (Service Temporary Unavailable) Under Maintenance landing page Debug bar: A simple bar which show number of query, timing and memory of current page Enable error display and lo.........

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