Author: brajesh Related WordPress Plugins

BuddyPress Activity Comment Notifier

BuddyPress Activity Comment Notifier plugin emulates the facebook style notification for the comments made on user activity. It will show the notification to a user in following scenario When a user has an update and someone else comments on it When a user comments on someone’s update and other us.........

BuddyDev Username Availability Checker

BuddyDev Username availability checker for WordPress & BuddyPress checks for the username availability on new user registration screens. It assist users & site admins by notifying them using ajax whether the username they enterd is available or not....

Disable Site Delete

Disable Site Delete plugin only allows network administrators to delete a blog/site on a WordPress Multisite network. It does not allow blog owners to delete their blogs. It works by doing that in 3 steps:- Removes the delete Site link from tools menu for non network admins Breaks out of wpmu_del.........

BuddyPress Sitewide Activity Widget

BuddyPress Sitewide Activity Widget brings back the BuddyPress Sitewide activity as a widget for you. Now you can show the BuddyPress activity in a widget area. Features include: Filter Activities By components in UI Limit per page and max Support for posting activity from swa widget Support for .........

BuddyPress Activity Shortcode

BuddyPress Activity shortcode plugin allows you to insert BuddyPress activity stream on any page/post using shortcode. It has a lot of flexibility built in the shortcode. You can customize almost all aspects of the activity list, what should be listed, how many and everything using the shortcode. T.........

Tiny Link

Get an alternate TinyURL link for your article or post permalink....

Cosmic BP User Signup Password

Cosmic BP User Signup Password allows buddypress site owners the flexibility to let their user choose their won password at the time of registraton.If the user does not fills a password of his own choice,a random generated password is sent to the user on activation . This plugin simply inserts a pas.........

Tag This

"Tag This" is a wordpress plugin that allows the community to appropriately tag your posts. It does so by adding a small textbox below a post. The most popular tags are then added automatically to your post, and helps organize your blog. It helps you tag your old posts, or get a large database of re.........

BBP Notify Admins

bbPress Notify Admin plugin notifies all the admins when a new topic is created or a new reply is posted on bbPress forum. It needs bbPress 2.2 or above. We use this plugin internally at BuddyDev to provide timely support. For more details, please visit For support, please use BuddyDe.........

BuddyPress Activity Autoloader

BuddyPress Activity Autoloader plugin autoload activities when a user reaches at the bottom of the page. It just simulates facebook like infinite activity auto loading with BuddyPress....

Embed Iframe

Embed Iframe is a plugin that will let you embed iframe - an HTML tag that allows a webpage to be displayed inline with the current page, in a WordPress post. Although an iframe can lead to a complicated website, it can be very effective when used appropriately....

Limit Blogs Per User

This is a plugin for wpmu/wpmu+byddypress powered websites, where network administrators can limit the number of blogs a user can signup. It is pretty simple and adds an option to NetworkAdmin->Dashboard->network settings page, where you can limit the number of blogs. No additional frills requ.........

BuddyPress Live Notification

BuddyPress Live Notification adds a Facebook Like real-time notification for user....

Cricket Score

Get the latest live Cricket Score for your website....

BuddyPress Extended Friendship Request

BuddyPress Extended Friendship Request plugin allows users to send a personalized message with the friendship request on BuddyPress based Social Networks....